Level 5 Stylist | Redken Certified Colorist
What's your favorite thing to do on a day off?
Spend time with my husband and daughter, especially outdoors at the park. I also enjoy practicing yoga, cooking, crocheting, and watercolor painting.
What's an item on your bucket list?
Travel to Germany and Austria in December for the Christmas Markets and Krampuslauf, to learn and experience more German traditions with my family.
What do you love most about Image Is Salon?
How we love and support each other like a family. We have each other’s backs and help out whenever we can.
What makes your guest experience special?
Being a Hair Color Certified Redken Artist, I provide a highly informed, educational experience. I thoroughly explain the products I choose and why, and each guest receives a customized hair plan tailored to their needs and goals.
LOVES: Balayage ($154+) | Highlights ($125+) | Corrective Color ($105/hr) |